5 Members Of The Cirebon DPRD Enter Data For Social Assistance Recipients

CIREBON - The Social Service (Dinsos) of Cirebon Regency, West Java, recorded that there were five members of the local DPRD who entered the data as recipients of social assistance (bansos).

"There are five DPRD members who have entered the DTKS (integrated social welfare data)," said Cirebon Regency Social Service Head Iis Krisnandar, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 25.

Iis said that five members of the Cirebon Regency DPRD who were included in DTKS admitted that they did not receive social assistance when they were clarified.

The inclusion of the five DPRD members, said Iis, was due to various factors, including errors when entering data, both at the village and district levels.

He confirmed that he had verified the five members of the council whose names were included as recipients of the social assistance.

"We verified the village where the five DPRD members live, and after confirmation they stated that the assistance was not accepted," continued Iis.

In addition to the five members of the DPRD, the DTKS in Cirebon Regency also recorded that there were 2,000 state civil servants (ASN) included in the DTKS.

For this reason, his party is coordinating with the agencies and villages where the ASN recipients of the social assistance are located.

"If indeed ASN receives assistance, then it should be returned again, because it is not their right," said Iis Krisnandar.