DKI Provincial Government Will Relocate Residents Affected By Rob Flood In Muara Angke To Flats

JAKARTA - Residential settlements in Muara Angke, North Jakarta are used to being regulars for tidal flooding when the tide is high. Indeed, no dikes have been installed to prevent seawater runoff in this Jakarta coastal settlement.
Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said his party was looking for a solution so that the residents of Muara Angke would no longer be flooded. One of them is by relocating residents to flats (rusun).
"Later, if possible, (the residents of Muara Angke) they can be relocated to existing flats that have been built," said Riza at DKI Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, November 25.
However, Riza said that not all residents of Muara Angke got a share of flats as relocation locations. The data collection of residents who will be relocated is being carried out by the DKI Provincial Government.
"Of course, because of limitations, it can't be done all. Later, it is being studied how many conditions allow it to be accommodated. Later there will be a team that will be coordinated through the Mayor of North Jakarta," said Riza.
Therefore, the DKI Provincial Government and the Ministry of Public Works for Public Housing (PUPR), continued Riza, are speeding up the construction of embankments to prevent tidal flooding from entering residential areas.
"Indeed, this takes time and requires a lot of money. Please be patient, all residents, especially DKI residents in the northern region, who in this rainy season receive tidal floods," said Riza.
"This is indeed our joint effort, because Jakarta is indeed a low-lying area, especially in the North Jakarta area," he added.