Nadiem: Thank You For The Resilience Of The Huru In Teaching

JAKARTA - Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) Nadiem Anwar Makarim thanked all teachers throughout Indonesia for their limitless resilience in providing learning to all students.

"Thank you for your sacrifice, thank you for your resilience, thank you for friends who came to the students' homes to teach them during the pandemic," said Nadiem when giving a speech at the 2021 National Teacher's Day event which was followed in Jakarta, reported by Antara. , Thursday, November 25.

Nadiem also thanked all the teachers, who were willing to learn using the technology used to teach students during distance learning (PJJ).

Nadiem said, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that is still engulfing the country, there are still many teachers who experience injustice in terms of equality as well as getting welfare.

However, teachers are still willing to build quality human resources through science.

"There are also many teachers in various regions who have experienced economic downturns during the COVID-19 pandemic, but are still willing to divide their time to give lessons online and no one has said a word of despair," he said.

This, he said, could be regarded as an indicator that proves that all teachers in Indonesia work because of their calling and not just looking for a stable job.

"It is an indicator that many of our teachers throughout Indonesia work because of their calling, not because of money, not just to find a stable job, but really to serve," said Nadiem.

Therefore, he requested that all teachers continue to be provided with facilities and be facilitated while carrying out learning and continue to be assisted in order to improve their welfare.

“That's the main reason why we, Kemendikbudristek feel this is the most important mission right now. It's not the government's mission but the movement's mission, namely Merdeka Learning. That's the reason why I thank you profusely," he said.