Puan: Most Harassment Experienced By Women Occurs In Public Space

JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, invites all parties to campaign for the elimination of all forms of violence against women. In the Day of Anti-Violence Against Women, which is celebrated every November 25, Puan invites all elements of the nation together to create an environment free from violence.

"The Commemoration of the Day of Anti-Violence against Women must be a momentum to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women," said Puan, Thursday, November 25.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives invites the entire community to build awareness of forms of violence or harassment against women. Puan assessed that early education regarding the prevention of all forms of violence against women must be carried out.

"Because many cases of violence or sexual harassment occur because of ignorance. Often people don't understand that some of the behaviors they do are forms of harassment to women," he said.

“For example, such as whistling, comments on the body, flirting, touching, to include sexist and racist comments. And the harassment that most women experience actually occurs in public spaces such as public roads and transportation facilities. This is something that everyone should pay attention to,” continued Puan.

He added that the participation of the community was important to prevent any form of violence or harassment against women.

"Education from an early age regarding the prevention of all forms of violence against women must be carried out by prioritizing an understanding of gender equity and gender equality," he said.

Puan also highlighted the results of the National Survey of the Public Space Coalition in 2019 which stated that more than 50% of local people did not intervene when sexual harassment occurred.

“So it's time for us to be more concerned, that no matter how small the form of harassment, it is still violence that should not be obtained, especially for women. Remind them and if it's outrageous, report it if you see an incident of harassment," the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture urged in his written statement.

Puan also reminded the high number of cases of violence against women in Indonesia. He emphasized the commitment of the Indonesian House of Representatives to prevent and eliminate various forms of sexual violence, including for women, through the Bill on the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS), which is sought to be ratified immediately.

“Let's fight together so that the TPKS Bill can be completed as soon as possible. The DPR RI believes that all Indonesian people, especially women, have the right to feel safe and free from all forms of violence," said Puan.

The grandson of the Proclaimer of the Republic of Indonesia, Bung Karno, also asked all women in Indonesia who have received forms of violence or harassment not to be afraid to speak up. Puan said that many cases of violence against women were not reported because the victims felt afraid or embarrassed.

“Immediately seek help either from friends, family, or the authorities if you get harassed. Currently, many elements of society are focused on helping victims of violence, so there is no need to be afraid to report or ask for help,” he said.

Puan also reminded the government's commitment to protect women from all forms of violence. Especially for those who are victims.

“Government policies must be in favor of the security and safety of women. Guard and prevent cases of violence against women. We all must be determined to provide protection to all Indonesian women," concluded Puan.