Vice President Ma'ruf Amin Orders NU Congress To Be Peaceful

JAKARTA - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin advised all Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) to hold the 34th NU Congress peacefully and without any noise.

This was conveyed by Rais Syuriah NU Jakarta KH Manarul Hidayat after meeting with Vice President Ma'ruf along with a number of other PBNU administrators at the Vice President's official residence, Jakarta, Wednesday, November 24.

"He (Vice President Ma'ruf Amin) gave us advice so that the next congress can go well, peacefully. Besides (providing) benefits for all NU citizens, it is also beneficial for the Republic of Indonesia," Manarul said as quoted by Antara.

Ma'ruf Amin, who is also the Mustasyar of PBNU, asked all nahdiyin management and residents not to make noise and to respect every agreement within NU.

"The Vice President always prays that hopefully this congress can go well in accordance with the decisions that have been made so that there is no noise, no insecurity, stay calm," he said.

Manarul added that the Vice President as the Chairman of the Ethics Council for the 34th NU Congress asked that the holding of the congress would be able to prioritize morality.

"NU was founded by scholars and kiai, so in the congress it still prioritizes morality," he said.

Previously, Ma'ruf Amin advised that the 34th NU Congress run by prioritizing deliberation so as to create cool conditions in the selection of various positions at PBNU.

"All trial and election processes must prioritize deliberation. Prioritize deliberation first so that the atmosphere is cool," said Ma'ruf Amin.

In the rais aam election, Ma'ruf Amin asked the Ahlul Halli wal Aqdi (Ahwa) mechanism to continue.

Regarding the election of the general chairman, he continued, the process must be carried out through voting by the Nahdlatul Ulama Regional Management (PWNU), Nahdlatul Ulama Branch Management (PCNU), and Nahdlatul Ulama Special Branch Management (PCINU).

"Deliberation to reach consensus. If you can't, then vote," said Ma'ruf Amin.

In addition to KH Manarul Hidayat, present at the meeting were the Chairman of PBNU East Kalimantan KH Farid Wadjdi, A'Wan PBNU Purwakarta KH Abun Bunyamin, Mustasyar PBNU East Java KHM Anwar Mansur and Rois Syuriah PWNU Lampung KH Muhsin Abdillah.

In addition, there were also Mustasyar Banten KH Muhtadi Dimyati, KH Abdul Kadir Karim (NTT), KH Kharis Shodaqoh (Central Java), and H. Mohammad Letter.