The First Session Of The Corruption Case Involving The Head Of The Babylonian Agriculture Service

PANGKALPINANG - The Pangkalpinang District Court, Bangka Belitung Islands Province held an inaugural trial for the alleged corruption case involving the Head of the Agriculture Service of the Babylon Province with state losses of Rp295,141,000.

"Today the inaugural trial with the agenda of reading the indictment in the case of the alleged corruption case of the construction work 'ferrocemet' at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security of the Province of the Babel Islands using the Provincial APBD funds for Fiscal Year 2020 worth Rp. 731,141,000," said Public Prosecutor Beny Harkat. in Pangkalpinang, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 24.

The head of the Agriculture and Food Security Service of the Province of Babel is suspected of being involved in the alleged corruption case of the "ferrocemet" construction work of the Prosperous Farmers Group of Kemuja Village and the Benua Cemerlang Farmers Group that used the Babel Provincial Budget for the 2020 fiscal year worth Rp731,141,000.

Beny Harkat explained, in this case the Bangka Kejari Kejari determined three suspects, all of whom had their first trial at the Pangkalpinang District Court, namely the Head of the Babylonian Agriculture Service with the initials Ju as the budget user, Jo as the provider and Jun as the PPTK.

In this work, it is indicated that a criminal act of corruption occurred, based on conditions on the ground in March 2021, there was a "ferrocement" job in Kemuja Village which was damaged even though it was only handed over in December 2020 by the CV provider. East Kurau to the Department of Agriculture of the Province of Babylon.

Following up on this information, the Bangka Kejari investigator carried out an investigation and investigation, from the results of the investigation based on the examination of witnesses, experts and the results of the hammer test and concrete compression test, it was found that the quality of the ferrocement construction work was only 69 percent or below the quality of the concrete. K-175 as required in the contract. With this condition, it will affect the service life that is expected to be obtained by the state from the state money spent on the work with an estimated state loss of Rp. 295,141,000.

He said that the suspects were not detained by the public prosecutor with the consideration that they had submitted a deposit to replace all state losses that had arisen in this case.

In addition, there is assurance from the families of the suspects and legal counsel that the suspect will not run away, destroying evidence and complicating the trial.

The suspects are subject to primary charges, namely Article 2 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption Crimes in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to -1 of the Criminal Code.

"The defendants were also charged with being a subsidiary of Article 3 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of criminal acts of corruption," he said.

Regarding the reading of the indictment, the attorney for the defendants Ju and Jun, Zaidan stated that he accepted and did not object to the indictment, while the attorney for the defendant Jo, Rizal stated that he would file an exception to the indictment.

The follow-up trial will be held on Monday, November 29 with the agenda of reading the exception from the defendant Jo.