The Importance Of Quality Interactions Between Teachers And Early Childhood Students

JAKARTA - Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim emphasized the importance of the quality of interaction between teachers and students in realizing ideal Early Childhood Education (PAUD).

"In my opinion, the ideal PAUD is one that has teachers who truly love their students. That's what is important. Even though infrastructure is important, but mysticism between teachers and students is the most important," he said after inaugurating the use of the new PAUD Km "0" building. in Jakarta, Monday 23 December.

If the interaction between teachers and students does not go well, then the role of PAUD will only be like a day care center for children. Other supporting facilities such as books, play areas, games, and comfortable learning room conditions can be met gradually after the needs of quality PAUD teachers are met.

"The key is human resources first, that's what is important," said Nadiem.

Nadiem said that there is still much to be done to improve PAUD, including providing quality human resources, supporting facilities for learning activities, and supporting facilities for teachers.

PAUD teachers need support facilities so that they can improve their abilities and carry out their duties properly.

"PAUD is a scientific process, so teachers must try to be active in attracting students' attention. So it must be something organic, stimulation and collaboration between PAUD teachers is very important. Safety standards must also be ensured that they are completely safe, there is no such thing as an organic matter. which could harm the child, "he added.

Minister of Education and Culture's wife, Franka Makariem, emphasized the importance of the role of PAUD in national education. "Actually, we have to remember that whatever we do is PAUD is an important investment in national education," said Franka.