Case Of 16-year-old Student Hacked To Death During Brawl In Bogor, Police Arrest 6 New Suspects

SUKABUMI - The alleged perpetrators of assaulting students to death during a brawl between students on the Sukabumi-Bogor Highway, Bangkongreang Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, on Friday grew to six suspects.

"Currently, we have arrested six suspects who are suspected of being the perpetrators of persecuting to death the student from Bogor with the initials FMD (16)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sukabumi Police, AKP Rizka Fadhila, to reporters in Sukabumi, Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

According to Rizka, the arrest of the six suspects was due to information and statements from a number of witnesses, the crime scene (TKP) and amateur video recordings of brawls between students in Benda Village, Cicurug District that circulated on social media.

After receiving various information, the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim team then developed and obtained information on the whereabouts of the alleged perpetrators who carried out the persecution until the victim died.

Not long after, six suspects were arrested at a house in the Gunung Putri area, Bogor Regency. Of the six suspects, five of them are minors.

He said that from the results of the examination, not all of the suspects were students, some had dropped out of school and had just graduated. From their hands the police confiscated evidence of a number of sharp weapons used during the brawl.

"It turns out that the victim did not only get sharp weapons from the suspects, but several times according to the autopsy results which found stab wounds on the back, waist and legs, but what caused death was a stab wound in the back that penetrated the victim's lungs," he said.

Rizka said that although the students involved in the brawl did not come from schools in Sukabumi, but because the location of the incident was in the jurisdiction of the Sukabumi Police, so that the handling was carried out by his party.

In this tragedy, unscrupulous students from two different schools had agreed or agreed to clash in the Sukabumi Regency area, after which they immediately faced each other and attacked each other resulting in the death of one student participating in the brawl.

In this case, the Sukabumi Police ensnared six suspects under the Child Protection Law Number 35 of 2014 Article 80 paragraph 3 with a maximum prison term of 12 years. "We are still developing this case," he said.