Let's Calm Down, Student Victims Of Sexual Harassment Lecturer Of Fisip Unri Accompanied By 3 People During The Legal Process

RIAU - The Independent Fact Finding Team (TPF) recommended that the Chancellor of the Riau University (UNRI) Pekanbaru to accompany a student suspected of being abused by an unscrupulous thesis supervisor to remain calm during the legal process.

"Based on the TPF recommendation, the chancellor has assigned three female lecturers to provide assistance," explained Riau University Deputy Chancellor Sujianto to reporters in Pekanbaru, Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

The accompanying lecturers came from the Coordinator of the Center for Population and Role of Women Studies (LPPM), the Coordinator of the Counseling Center (LPPMP), and lecturers of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at UNRI.

In addition, the report found by TPF in this case has also been submitted to the monitoring team to be forwarded to the Inspector General of Higher Education at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. Until now, according to Sujiyanto, TPF has been intensely coordinating directly with the Inspector of Investigation from the Director General of Higher Education, and will then discuss it with the Inspector General.

Riau University has established an independent TPF based on Decree No. 3730/UN19/KP/2021. The task of the TPF was also accompanied by the Inspector of Investigation as a monitoring team from the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education and Technology together with two representatives of non-governmental organizations as elements of the monitoring team. TPF has completed its duties on November 15, 2021. Currently, the team has been disbanded.

Sujianto, who is the Deputy Chancellor for General Affairs and Finance, said that the Chancellor had submitted the fact-finding team report to the Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbudristek on November 16, 2021.

A student previously admitted through social media that he had been harassed by the Dean of Fisip, University of Riau at the end of October 2021. The victim then reported the case to the police, and now the Dean with the initials SH has been named a suspect by the Riau Police.