Staff Of Sri Mulyani, Yustinus Prastowo Give An Explanation On State Assets, This Is What He Said

JAKARTA – Special Staff to the Minister of Finance Yustinus Prastowo provided information related to state financial policies which were considered to be poorly understood in a comprehensive manner. Through his personal Twitter page, he explained that there was an increase in the value of one element of state assets, namely state property (BMN).

Yustinus' tweet at the same time straightens out the inaccurate perception in interpreting the statement by the Director General of State Assets Rionald Silaban some time ago.

"I clarify. Director General of State Wealth @DitjenKN Rionald Silaban never said this. He conveyed the increasing value of BMN (state property), in addition to other assets such as investments, receivables, and others. The government's total assets are far above the total debt," he said as quoted on Tuesday, November 23.

For information, Yustinus' explanation responded to one of the netizens' uploads on the news dated November 15, 2021, entitled Sri Mulyani's Children Reveals a Surprising Thing: All State Owned Goods Will Not Enough to Pay Government Debt Approaching IDR 7,000 Trillion.

It should be noted that the editor has corrected the information in the report in accordance with journalistic rules on Monday, November 22, 2021 to become Sri Mulyani's subordinates: The Value of All State Owned Assets is IDR 6.585 Trillion as of the end of 2020.

This update has also been communicated to the Ministry of Finance and was well received on the same day.

Previously, the Director General of State Assets of the Ministry of Finance Rionald Silaban reported that the total value of state property (BMN) until the end of 2020 was IDR 6,585 trillion.

"The amount of BMN reflects 59.3 percent of all state assets amounting to Rp11,098 trillion," he said in a webinar last week.

According to Rionald, the value of the assets which reached tens of thousands of trillions turned out to have increased by more than Rp. 4,000 trillion thanks to the BMN revaluation strategy carried out in 2018. For information, asset revaluation is a step to revaluate assets owned by an entity (ministry/institution) so that it reflects the current value of assets.