South Sulawesi DPRD Asks Social Services To Search Thousands Of ASNs Receive PKH Social Assistance

MAKASSAR - The DPRD of South Sulawesi Province through Commission E in charge of Welfare asked the South Sulawesi Social Service to immediately investigate allegations of misappropriation of the Family Hope Program (PKH) aid received by the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) following the findings from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"We ask the South Sulawesi Social Service to immediately check the truth, because ASN cannot accept PKH, that is not their right," said Commission E member John Rende Mangontan during a meeting at the South Sulawesi DPRD office, Makassar, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, November 23.

Based on the findings of the Ministry of Social Affairs, there are 31,642 thousand ASN from 34 provinces receiving PKH assistance from the government, with details of 28,965 active ASN and the rest are retirees. For South Sulawesi, it is estimated that there are thousands of ASN receiving the PKH.

"So there are about a thousand ASN in South Sulawesi receiving PKH. Please, Mr. Head of the Department (Irawan Bintang) explain that," he asked during a meeting with the South Sulawesi Social Service.

From the findings of the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Golkar politician continued, the Social Service should be able to move quickly to ensure that what was conveyed by the center was correct, because it was clearly a violation.

If it is true that ASN has received the PKH, it must be returned, because it is not their right. ASN life has been borne by the state as well as retired ASN. The finding of thousands of PKH recipients in South Sulawesi, he said, was quite high, from 34 provinces in Indonesia.

"Social Services do not wait for the ball but must pick up the ball. If you look at the number in South Sulawesi, the figure is quite high compared to other provinces," he advised.

Meanwhile, the Head of the South Sulawesi Social Affairs Office, Irawan Bintang, said on that occasion that he would immediately follow up, considering that there was an ASN Personnel Identification Number (NIK) suspected of receiving PKH from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"We will immediately check. Indeed, until now the data has not been obtained. If there was a NIK, it would be easy to check. I am frankly surprised by this information," he said.

Through this information, he said, the Social Service Agency immediately coordinated with the Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) to check whether or not the thousands of ASN suspected of receiving PKH assistance were correct.

However, his party is still having problems because of inputting data on PKH recipients from 24 regencies and cities in South Sulawesi, while the provinces only receive reports.

"Immediately we will coordinate with the BKD to trace it. We in the province can only peek at the number, but cannot change it. If in the city district they can change and correct the data," he explained.