212 Reunion Canceled At Monas, Novel Bamukmin: The Plan On The Horse Statue Of Arjuna Wiwaha

JAKARTA - The 212 Alumni Association (PA) plans to hold a 212 reunion on December 2, 2021. However, this activity will not be held at the National Monument (Monas).

Secretary General of PA 212 Novel Bamukmin said the plan was for the 212 Reunion to be held at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta. This location is right next to Monas.

"The plan is to hold it at the Horse Statue," said Novel Bamukmin in a short message to VOI, Tuesday, November 23.

However, Novel said the preparations for the 212 Reunion were still being finalized by the event organizing committee.

"Everything is still in the brewing process. Later when it is fixed, we will send the official release," said Novel.

For your information, Reunion 212 has been held in recent years. Initially, this activity began with a demonstration to urge the legal process of former DKI Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) for the blasphemy case on December 2, 2016 at Monas and its surroundings.

The following year, the organizers held the 212 Reunion on the same date. Various issues developed in line with the implementation of this activity, starting with pressure to the government to process the case of alleged blasphemy against Sukmawati Soekarnoputri, as well as the return of the high priest of the Islamic Defenders Front, Rizieq Shihab, to his homeland.

Various religious and political figures were present at the 212 Reunion. One of them was the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan.

This year, the discourse of Reunion 212 reappears, but it is impossible to hold it in the Monas area. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Monas has been closed to the public until now. The Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Riza Patria, had also asked PA 212 administrators to think twice about the plan to hold a reunion. The reason is that it is still during the COVID-19 pandemic, so there is the potential for transmission.

"Yes, we will see, so far, we have asked because this is a pandemic, of course, we hope that all activities that can cause crowds and have the potential to spread, we hope to reconsider. We will reconsider until Jakarta is really safe," said Riza.

According to Riza, although Jakarta is currently at Level 1 of PPKM, the potential for the spread of the new corona virus is still wide open. Especially now that it's nearing the end of the year.

"Precisely now, especially at the end of this year, during the Christmas and New Year holidays, especially when there is an additional relaxation, because of level 1. Even though the vaccine is already high, we ask all people to stay at home, because home is the best place for us to be free. from COVID-19," said Riza.