Palmerston, Cat In The British Foreign Office Will Retire And Move To The Village

JAKARTA - Palmerston, a cat who has lived for 4.5 years in the British Foreign Office, is about to retire from his job of catching mice for diplomats. He will move to the village.

In a tweet on Twitter which has more than 100,000 followers, the black and white cat said he wanted to spend time relaxing, away from the public eye.

"I've enjoyed climbing trees and patrolling the grounds around my new village home," he wrote to the most senior civil servant at the British Foreign Office, Simon McDonald, complete with the signature two cat paw prints.

"I will miss the sound of the ambassador's footsteps and run to the hideout to see who it is."

There is no other cat 'special staff' overhaul, as Palmerston's colleagues are still on guard in their respective places.

The cat named Larry still lives on Downing Street, while Gladstone also still serves as the cat in the finance ministry.