Easy Ways To Enable Google Maps Dark Mode On Android And IPhone

YOGYAKARTA - Google Maps is an area mapping application using the web that makes it easy for everyone to find out a certain location, to provide road directions that make it easier for users.

The application developed by Google continues to innovate, one of which is to create a dark mode feature, or dark mode that can be activated by users, whether using iPhone or Android devices.

With this feature, users who like to use dark mode can also view maps on their mobile application in dark mode. These innovations are made to increase the convenience for users when using their services.

A number of users have also received notifications from Google when opening the application. How to activate the dark mode feature on Google Maps is quite easy and practical.

If you are one of those people who prefers to use dark mode when using mobile devices or computers, then this feature in Google Maps is perfect for you.

Therefore, if you are interested in enabling the dark mode feature on Google Maps, users can follow the steps prepared by the VOI team below.

How to Enable Dark Mode on Google Maps

To enable dark mode in the Google Maps application, Android phone users can select the profile icon on the profile menu on the main Maps page, then click the "Settings" menu or settings.

After that, select the "Theme" menu, then click the "Dark Mode" icon. Three options will appear that you can choose from, including "Enable" if you want to use dark mode on Google Maps, select "Off" if you don't want to use it, or select the "Settings according to device" option.

If you select the "Settings according to device" option, then the screen display in your Google Maps application will be adjusted to the screen display used by your phone.


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Meanwhile, to activate dark mode on iOS, the method is not much different. Users can enter the Google Maps application on your device then click the "Settings" menu or settings on the available menu.

Next, select the "Dark Mode" icon on the "Using Maps" menu. At this stage, you will be given 3 options as when opening Google Maps on Android, namely "Enable", "Disabled", and "Device-specific settings".

If the user wants to use the "Dark Mode" feature in Google Maps, you can select the "Enable" option, and your Google Maps view will be in dark mode.

That's the way you can do to activate dark mode in the Google Maps application, to make users more comfortable when viewing regional maps in the application.