KPK Believes That The Procedure For Summoning TNI Soldiers Will Not Hinder The Law Enforcement Process

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) respects and believes the procedure for summoning TNI soldiers will not hinder the law enforcement process.

The rules regarding the procedure for this summons are listed in ST Panglima TNI Number ST/1221/2021 dated November 5, 2021 regarding the procedure for summoning TNI soldiers by law enforcement officers.

"KPK respects the rules regarding mechanisms and procedures within the TNI. We are sure that these rules will not hinder the law enforcement process carried out by law enforcement officers (APH) including the KPK," Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Affairs Ali Fikri told reporters, Tuesday. , November 23.

This belief, continued Ali, arose because the KPK and the TNI had a passion for eradicating corruption, which is an extraordinary crime.

However, in this effort the KPK certainly cannot do it alone, but needs assistance and synergy with other parties. "KPK and TNI have the same passion to support the eradication of corruption," said Ali.

"Especially in the context of eradicating corruption as an extraordinary crime, commitment, support, and synergy of all elements of society through their roles and functions are needed both through prevention, prosecution, and education approaches to foster personal integrity and anti-corruption," he added.

As previously reported, in the regulation there are four things that are regulated to summon a TNI soldier. First, summons made to TNI soldiers by the Police, KPK, other law enforcement officers in order to provide information related to legal events must go through the commander/head of the unit.

Second, summoning TNI soldiers who are not in accordance with procedures, so that the Commander/Head of Units coordinates with the law enforcement officers in question.

Next, soldiers who provide information regarding legal events to law enforcement officers can be carried out in their units accompanied by Law Officers or Unit Officers. Fourth, TNI soldiers who provide information related to legal events to law enforcement officers can be carried out at the office of law enforcement officers who summoned them accompanied by legal officers.

There is also a reason for making this rule due to a summons that is not in accordance with applicable legal provisions and is carried out by the police.

"So to avoid misunderstandings, minimize legal problems, and implement legal compliance for TNI soldiers, it is necessary to regulate the terms for summoning," as quoted from the TNI Marines' official Instagram upload.