Bahlil Gets A Mandate From Jokowi So That Indonesia Record Investment Realization Of IDR 1,200 Trillion In 2022, Here Are 5 Strategies

JAKARTA - The Minister of Investment / Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Bahlil Lahadalia has set an investment realization target for 2022 of IDR 1,200 trillion. The target is an increase of IDR 300 trillion from this year. He said that the increase in the target was aimed at boosting national economic growth to be above 5 percent.

"We have a realization target in the 2022 RPJM which is IDR 968 trillion. The President ordered us to reach IDR 1,200 trillion. (This target) is one of the conditions for how to boost our national economic growth above 5 percent," he said at the Economic Outlook Prospects event. Investment 2022, Tuesday, November 23.

Bahlil admitted that achieving the investment realization target of Rp. 1,200 trillion was not an easy job. This is because the Ministry of Investment must at least be able to increase incoming investment by 20 to 33 percent.

"This is not an easy job because it has to increase by approximately 20 to 33 percent and this has to be an extraordinary massive work," he said.

Although the investment realization target for next year is set high, Bahlil admits that he is optimistic that he can achieve it. Because, his party already has experience in 2021. Moreover, the government is currently making downstream efforts.

"I have confidence that with experience in 2021, with a combination of downstream sectors, God willing, it will be achieved," he said.

Bahlil said, in order for investment to run smoothly, the Ministry of Investment will carry out a number of strategies. There are at least five steps taken by the Ministry of investment to facilitate investors while increasing investment realization.

First, said Bahlil, in addition to promoting, the Ministry of Investment will convince investors that Indonesia is a long-standing investment country. Moreover, the government has issued the Job Creation Law which is claimed to provide transparency, efficiency, speed and certainty in managing permits.

"In the past, BKPM only featured promotions, now we are changing the strategy, so apart from promoting and convincing investors, our country has changed," he said.

The second strategy, said Bahlil, a licensing service assistant as stated in PP Number 5 of 2021 concerning the implementation of risk-based business licensing through Online Single Submission (OSS). Third, help financial closing.

Fourth, provide end-to-end services to investors until investment realization. Fifth, assistance is provided not only for construction but also for production.

"If there is a disturbance, the land is not clear or what the problem is, we will help until it is produced. So it is end-to-end. Why are we doing this? Because the state will get a multiplier effect when the company produces. , the state has not been able to do anything optimally," he said.