All Schools In Jakarta Have Learned Face-to-face

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office, Nahdiana, said that currently all schools in the capital city have implemented limited face-to-face learning (PTM). It is recorded that there are 10,429 schools in Jakarta.

Limited PTM in all schools has been taking place since mid-November, starting from PAUD, SD/equivalent, SMP/equivalent, SMA/equivalent and public and private vocational schools.

"On November 15, 2021, all educational units at all levels in DKI Jakarta have conducted limited face-to-face learning," said Nahdiana in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, November 23.

Nahdiana said, the implementation of PTM started from filling out assessments, training, to monitoring and evaluating schools that had held limited PTM trials since a few months ago.

He revealed that limited PTM activities were indeed a solution that the DKI Provincial Government had to take to overcome critical learning problems. Because the longer you don't hold face-to-face schools, the lower the level of education.

"This potential will be even greater, and the pandemic that we have experienced for almost 2 years, the Education Office seeks to meet the educational needs of students," said Nahdiana.

Disdik has also issued Circular (SE) Number 33 of 2020 concerning meaningful and fun learning, with the hope that PTM can run well.

"Disdik implements this limited PTM with the principles of health, safety for students, educators, teaching staff, and families, and the community. This policy is a top priority in education," he explained. blended learning, namely learning in class and learning online.

The face-to-face learning time for each level is as follows: a. SMA/SMK equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 5 hours of lessons (175 minutes a week) b. Junior high school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 4 hours of lessons (140 minutes a week) c. Elementary school equivalent maximum 35 minutes x 3 hours of lessons (105 minutes a week) d. PAUD maximum 30 minutes x 2 hours of lessons (60 minutes a week)

Class conditions that apply face-to-face learning: a. SMA, SMK, MA, MAK, SMP, MTs, SD, MI, and learning equality programs by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 18 students per class. b. SDLB, MILB, SMPLB, MTsLB and SMLB, MALB learn by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class. c. PAUD learns in class by maintaining a minimum distance of 1.5 meters and a maximum of 5 students per class.