2 KPK Employees At The KPK Finance Bureau Sentenced To Light Sanctions By The Supervisory Board

JAKARTA - The Ethics Council of the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) imposed a light sanction in the form of a closed apology to two employees at the KPK Finance Bureau.

Those who were sanctioned were the Head of the Finance Bureau Arif Waluyo and the Prevention BPP at the Juliharto Finance Bureau.

"Punishing the examinees with light sanctions in the form of a closed apology," said Chairman of the Ethics Council of the KPK Council, Albertina Ho, when reading the verdict online, Tuesday, November 23.

The ethical sanctions for these two employees departed from mitigating and burdensome considerations. This is mitigating because the examinee is aware of and will correct his mistake. In addition, both of them have never been convicted or found to have violated ethics.

Meanwhile, the burdensome thing, according to Albertina, is that both of them are structural position holders who should be examples and role models in implementing the KPK's code of ethics and code of conduct at least in the unit or work unit.

Arif and Juliharto were found guilty of violating the code of ethics and code of conduct in the form of neglecting the obligation to guide other employees as regulated in Article 8 Paragraph 1 letter g and Article 7 Paragraph 1 letter e of Dewas Regulation No. 2 of 2020.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) council said that both of them had neglected to do their job. One of them is not receiving the implementation report and making a report on the implementation of the task force team formed in the Finance Bureau.

In addition, both have made mistakes in carrying out managerial. Arif Waluyo as the Head of the KPK Finance Bureau is said to have no coaching program for the Expenditure Treasurer, Substitute Expenditure Treasurer, and Revenue Treasurer.

He should also have fostered Juliharto as the Acting Head of the Treasury by providing guidance if problems arise and must be resolved. However this was not done.

Next, Arif did not want to replace the BPP Penindakan II, Aries Ricardo Sinaga even though a cash difference of Rp33,347,894 was found. The reason used is because Aries has to take care of the cash difference even though in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) No. 162/PMK.05/2013 the change is allowed.

"This was decided in the assembly deliberation meeting on Friday, November 19 by us Albertina Ho as chairman of the assembly, Harjono as a member, and Syamsuddin Haris as a member which was read out in court to the public," concluded Albertina.