Corruption Accused Of City Park Project Funds In Maluku Sued 8.5 Years In Prison

AMBON - The Maluku Public Prosecutor's Office (JPU) has demanded Adrianus Sihasale, Wilelma Fenanlampir, and Frans Pelamonia, three accused of corruption in the city park and parking lot project funds at the PUPR Office of the Tanimbar Islands Regency for 8.5 years in prison each.

"Ask the panel of judges who examined and tried this case to declare the defendants guilty of violating Article 2 paragraph 1 Juncto Article 18 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the eradication of corruption as the primary charge," said Public Prosecutor Achmad Atamimi in Ambon, quoted by Antara, Monday, November 22. .

The defendants were also considered to have violated Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code.

The prosecutor's demands were delivered in a trial led by the Chairman of the Ambon Corruption Court, Jenny Tulak, accompanied by two member judges.

For the defendant Adrianus Sihasale, who is the Head of PUPR for the Tanimbar Islands Regency, he is also required to pay a fine of Rp. 500 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison.

Then for the defendants, Wilelma Fenanlampir as PPTK and Frans Fenanlamir, they were demanded to pay a fine of Rp. 300 million, a subsidiary of six months in prison.

There are also things that are aggravating the defendants are required to be imprisoned and fined for not supporting the government's program in eradicating corruption, while those that are mitigating are that the defendants are polite and have never been punished.

The Public Prosecutor said that, as the official implementing technical activity (PPTK), Defendant Wilelma was not careful in the process of drafting contract amendments, and it turned out that there were additional work items for rock pairs which only contained unit prices without being accompanied by volume.

"The PPTK's duties include controlling the implementation of activities, reporting on the progress of implementing activities and preparing budget documents for the expense of carrying out activities," explained the Public Prosecutor.

Then Frans Yulianus Pelamonia who served as field supervisor with witness Abraham Kore (deceased) did not make documentation and working papers when calculating the design and volume changes requested by the provider.

The defendant allowed the provider to install paving blocks that were not in accordance with the physical work installed, where a progress report on the work should be made and the responsibility of the service provider.

Meanwhile, defendant Sihasale, who is also KPA and PPK, continues to make payments for paving block work items that are not in accordance with the procurement contract.

He also signed the official report for the completion of the work in the form of an inspection report of 100 percent work results and an official report on the handover of goods and professional hand over (PHO).

Then it is attached to a letter requesting direct payment when in fact the work in the field is not in accordance with the contract.