Police Examine 10 Witness Cases Of Barbaric Obscenity And Persecution Of Female Students In Malang

MALANG - Police examined 10 witnesses in the case of sexual abuse and persecution of a 13-year-old boy in an orphanage in Malang City, East Java.

This was conveyed by the victim's lawyer, Leo A. Pramana. According to him, all those examined were alleged perpetrators of persecution, perpetrators of obscenity and also the wife of the alleged pervert.

"A total of 10 people have been summoned, all of whom have been questioned today, including the wife of the perpetrator of the sexual abuse," he said, Monday, November 22.

The ten witnesses who were examined consisted of a clerk, perpetrators of sexual abuse and 8 perpetrators of acts of persecution.

"In this case, it is the wife of the perpetrator who allegedly ordered these 8 people to commit acts of violence," he explained.

The average age of the perpetrators of this assault is 16-17 years. They are friends of the victim outside the orphanage where the victim lives.

While the victim is currently still in the stage of psychological recovery after the incident. According to Leo, his condition was so severely traumatized that he was afraid to meet people. The victim has been accompanied by a mother including from the police for trauma healing.

Apart from being psychological, Leo continued, the victim also suffered physical injuries on his forehead, neck, and wounds on his legs from cigarette burns.

"Not only was the victim kicked and beaten, the victim was also burned by cigarette flames at his feet," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang City Police Commissioner Tinton Yudha Riambodo confirmed that the police would thoroughly investigate this case.

"Obviously this case will be followed up quickly and professionally. Currently, the preliminary investigation is still on the victims and witnesses. The victim has also been divisum. We will inform you more about it later," he said.