Recognize The Negative Effects Of Phubbing, Busy With Your Own Device Then Ignore Others

JAKARTA – Phubbing is an acronym for phone-snubbing, this phenomenon often occurs or have you even done this? When you are with friends or a partner, but busy with their respective devices so that there is no direct interaction, it is called snubbing.

Citing scientific research published in the Journal of Psychosocial Research On Cyberspace, Monday, November 22, phubbing is considered annoying and impolite.

Previous research conducted by J. Aagaard in “Digital Akrasia: A Qualitative Study of Snubbing” in 2020, found that phubbing behavior causes severe affective, cognitive, and behavioral disturbances in interactions with partners. According to studies, the following are the negative effects of phubbing behavior.

1. Potentially increases stress

The research “A Third-Person Perspective on Phubbing: Observing Smartphone-Induced Social Exclusion Generates Negative Affect, Stress, and Derogatory Attitudes” was conducted by a team with members including Tania Roxana Nuñez, Theda Radtke, and Sabrina Cornelia Eimler.

The study found more negative effects of phubbing behavior, the most experienced was the stress level of the participants in the study increased. Researchers have a hypothesis that phubbing perpetrators have low coping strategies when demeaning others and choose to be busy with their own devices.

2. Being less warm

Of course it's not fun to meet each other but keep quiet just because they're busy operating their gadgets. In addition to the above effects, phubbing also affects the warmth of the relationship. This will affect the relationship with your partner if you do frequent phubbing.

3. Damage the quality of the relationship

Quality relationships have healthy interaction patterns. So what if each one is busy with his gadget? According to research, phubbing can damage the quality of relationships because phubbers – or phubbing perpetrators – violate social inclusion norms.

4. Could be a sign of an unpleasant relationship

In addition to marking the negative effects of phubbing, the researchers also assumed that couples who did phubbing had an unpleasant relationship. Finally, choose to be busy with each other's business and look at the device more intimately.

5. Affects mental health

Reported by Healthline, quoted from the Journal of Applied Social Psychology, found that phubbing simulated feeling more negative about their interactions. These negative feelings can be driven by core needs, including a sense of belonging, self-esteem, meaningful existence, and control.

When someone ignores you and opts for snubbing with their device, you may feel rejected, isolated, and unimportant. This can have a significant impact on your mental health.

The aforementioned research also shows phubbers are more likely to reach for their phones and try to engage with social media networks to fill in the gaps. This is considered a vicious circle that never ends. That is, when someone snubbing the people around him will also feel the effect. But people doing snubbing are also driven by one condition.

So, what is the solution to the phubbing behavior in your opinion? Wouldn't it be nice to live a warm relationship and control yourself to break the vicious circle mentioned above.