There Are 33 Active Cases Of COVID-19 In Aceh, The Majority Are In Self-isolation

ACEH - The Aceh COVID-19 Handling Task Force (Satgas) stated that 33 active cases of infection with the new type of corona virus causing COVID-19 in Aceh remained as of Monday, November 22. The patients are currently receiving medical treatment or self-isolation.

"There are 33 active COVID-19 patients in Aceh who are still under medical treatment and generally they are in self-isolation," said Aceh COVID-19 Spokesperson Saifullah Abdulgani in Banda Aceh, Antara.

According to data from the Aceh COVID-19 Handling Committee and National Economic Recovery (KPC PEN), the remaining 33 active patients with corona infection include 10 people from Banda Aceh, six people from Aceh Besar, four people from Nagan Raya, three people from West Aceh.

Furthermore, there were two residents of Lhokseumawe and South Aceh and one each from East Aceh, Pidie, North Aceh, Bireuen, Southwest Aceh and Aceh Tamiang.

"Covid-19 patients who are self-isolating should be able to undergo treatment according to the isolation protocol to prevent transmission of the corona virus in their families or infect their closest people," said Saifullah.

He explained that the trend of corona cases had indeed shown a very drastic decline. However, the transmission of the virus still occurs in the community of the Tanah Rencong area.

He assessed that the potential and indications for an increase in COVID-19 cases in Aceh could occur at any time if the community did not improve the discipline of implementing health protocols, by wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands, avoiding crowds and reducing mobility.

"We urge the public to continue to follow health protocols and immediately vaccinate against COVID-19, because the source of transmission of the corona virus is still in our midst," he said.

The cumulative number of COVID-19 cases in Aceh has reached 38,412 people, of which 33 are still in medical treatment or self-isolation, 36,313 have recovered, and 2,066 have died.