Too Brave, Police Extorted Up To IDR 2.5 Billion, NGO Personnel Handcuffed Immediately

JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested an NGO chairman with the initials KPP for being caught committing extortion. The perpetrators of the initials KPP extorted Polri members up to 2.5 billion.

"The KPP perpetrator was arrested at his office in the North Petukangan area, Pesanggrahan District, South Jakarta," Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol. Hengki Haryadi told reporters, Monday, November 22.

The perpetrators of the initials KPP are alleged to have carried out many alleged acts of extortion against victims from government agencies.

"It is alleged that many victims from government agencies were extorted by the chairman and members of the Tamperak NGO," said the Police Chief.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was subject to a criminal extortion and was charged with Articles 368 and 369 of the Criminal Code and or Article 27 paragraph 4 of the ITE Law.