Female Students In Malang Raped Then Massively Persecuted, Hands Down Policy

MALANG - Malang City Police Chief AKBP Budi Hermanto confirmed that he would take firm action against alleged cases of bullying, mistreatment and sexual abuse of female students in Malang, East Java. This female student was abused until she was burned by cigarettes. It is suspected that the victim was also molested.

From the conversation of the perpetrator in the video that was spread, the victim was beaten by reason of teasing someone's husband. He was forced to confess to the accusations while being beaten severely.

This case was then reported and became the main attention of the police. The Head of Police, who is familiarly called Buher, said the case had been handled.

"We have summoned a number of witnesses, including the victim. Later, the more witnesses, the better. What is clear is that this has caught our attention,” said the Police Chief, Monday, November 22.

In addition to examining witnesses, Buher continued, his party has also obtained post-mortem evidence. The perpetrators have been identified.

"In the video, it is clear that several people have clearly become suspects," he said.

In addition, the police also focus on providing trauma healing assistance to victims. The police chief stressed that bullying was not justified.

"We will look into this case, if it is proven clear, we will take firm action," he said.

Meanwhile, the victim's lawyer, Leo A Permana explained that this case began with allegations of sexual abuse of the victim. The victim was forced to serve a man's sexual desires while being threatened.

“However, the perpetrator's wife knew about the incident and it is possible that the wife complained to the victim's friends. Finally, these 8 children came to pick the victim home from there, "explained Leo.

But apparently the victim was taken to a quiet place and then bullied and mistreated.

"The perpetrators of violence are not school friends, but playmates around the orphanage where he lives," said Leo.