Batu City Government Starts Building Houses For Residents Affected By Flash Floods

CITY OF BATU - The government of Batu City, East Java has begun to build and repair houses for residents affected by flash floods.

Flash floods that hit several parts of the Batu City area on November 4, 2021, damaged at least 31 houses.

"For the eight houses that were swept away, five residents who already have their own land to build, we will build their houses. We are repairing lightly, moderately and heavily damaged (houses)," said Deputy Mayor of Batu Punjul Santoso, quoted by Antara, Monday. , November 22.

Punjul explained that the city government built type 36 houses for five of the eight residents whose houses were washed away and already have land to build houses in other locations.

For residents whose houses were swept away but do not own land in other locations, he continued, the city government will provide land and build houses for them in a predetermined location.

"For those who don't own other land, we will buy the land and later build their house," said Punjul.

The construction of type 36 houses for residents who lost their homes due to banjir bandang was carried out by involving volunteers and flood management teams in Batu City.

"For those who are working on construction, apart from the community, there are also volunteers from Ngawi, Banyumas, including residents of Ngantang. This is done so that the affected residents can immediately return to their homes," he said.

Materials to build houses, according to him, will be provided using donor aid funds distributed through the Batu City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

Among the residents affected by the flash flood in Batu City is Riyanto, whose house was destroyed by the flash flood on November 4, 2021. Riyanto's new house is under construction. The size is 6x6 meters.

"This was built on my own land, while for the government building. My old land is below, I don't dare to build a house there anymore," said Riyanto.

Based on data from the BPBD of Batu City, the flash flood caused 12 houses to be heavily damaged, five houses moderately damaged, and 14 houses slightly damaged.

The flash flood also washed away 46 two-wheeled vehicles and 11 four-wheeled vehicles and caused nine cattle sheds to be damaged and hundreds of livestock lost.

In addition, flash floods affected tens of hectares of agricultural land in the villages of Sumbergondo, Sidomulyo, Bumiaji, Pandanrejo, Torongrejo, Giripurno, and Bulukerto.