Police Saber Extortion Task Force Checks DKI Public Service Mall, Residents Say They Are Satisfied

JAKARTA - The Saber Extortion Task Force of the Police investigated the Public Service Mall of the Investment Service and One Stop Integrated Services (DPMPTSP). The goal is to anticipate illegal levies in the management of permits.

"This is a follow-up to yesterday's event at the governor's office which was opened by Mr. Anies in order to declare a city free of extortion in the Jakarta area. Which was attended by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs and the Kasatgas Saber Pungli," said Secretary of the Central Saber Extortion Task Force, Inspector General Agung Makbul to reporters, Monday, November 22.

From the inspection, said Makbul, no illegal acts were found. In fact, based on interviews with several communities, it was concluded that the service was quite satisfactory.

"Everyone said the service is now better than the others and the service is fast," said Makbul.

"Then are there any extortion fees? which are additional in nature, while there are none," he continued.

On the other hand, Makbul stated that inspections were not only carried out at DPMPTSP. Later, several places for licensing will also be investigated and monitored.

"We'll be going to the KSOP soon, but not just today. Maybe there's a notification, it can also be inspected, yes. Because there are many Jakarta offices, basically all of them are related to public services, which are related to public services, one of the problems is the mall first," said Makbul.

In addition, Makbul also stated that people who find or become victims of extortion can immediately report it. So, the report will be followed up immediately.

"Reports from public extortion for the central level at the Kemenpolhukam. Please go directly, can be via telephone, WA, SMS and so on, if in the province the provincial KUPP, namely Irwasda Polda Metro Jaya is assisted later there will be representatives from the same prosecutor's office as well as the same inspectorate from the prosecutor's office , said Makbul.