Members Arrested By Densus 88, Head Of MUI: This Incident Becomes A Means Of Conversation

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Miftachul Akhyar said the arrest of Ahmad Zain An-Najah by the National Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 will be a matter of introspection. It is hoped that this incident will make his party more careful to protect the muruah of the ulama.

This was conveyed by Miftachul in response to the arrest of three suspected terrorists on Tuesday, November 16 in Bekasi, West Java. During the arrest, one person who was also arrested was Ahmad Zain An-Najah who is a member of the MUI Fatwa Commission.

"This incident can be a means of introspection or known as muhasabah, we are more careful, more thorough, and so on to maintain the dignity of the assembly of scholars," said Miftachul after a meeting with Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD which was broadcast on the YouTube of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Monday. , November 22.

Furthermore, he admitted that the internal condition of the MUI did not experience any shocks and that it was now back to normal despite the arrest of one of their members.

Miftachul also emphasized that his party had long been firm against acts of terrorism. In fact, based on Fatwa Number 3 of 2004, it is stated that terrorism and suicide bombings are forbidden to be carried out.

"At the MUI there is actually Fatwa Number 3 of 2004 that terrorism is unlawful, suicide bombing is also unlawful. So if they think it is a martyrdom, it is not a martyrdom, people say it's violent," he said. In his statement, Miftachul said that the cooperation between the government and MUI had always been going well. As evidence, today a dialogue has been held between the MUI and the government, represented by the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD.

"The cooperation between MUI and the government is going very well and this cooperation is always maintained. Until now, the proof is that we are here. This is a form of maintained cooperation," he said.

As previously reported, the National Police's Anti-terror Detachment 88 arrested three people related to the terrorist activities of the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) group in the Bekasi area on Tuesday, November 16. Those arrested were Ahmad Zain An-Najah, Farid Ahmad Okbah, and Anung Al Hamat.

The results of the investigation of Densus 88 Ahmad Zain An-Najah is the Chairman of the Sharia Board of the Baitul Mal Amil Zakat Institution Abdurrahman bin Auf (LAM BM ABA), while Fadir Ahmad Okbah is a Member of the Sharia Board of LAM BM ABA. Meanwhile, Anung Al Hamat is the founder of Shield Nusantara Esa.

LAM BM ABA is a funding institution managed by the JI group. Meanwhile, Perisai Nusantara Esa is a wing organization of the JI group.