BCA Establishes Cooperation With Communal, Facilitating Ease Of Financing For MSMEs

JAKARTA - The existence of the MSME sector is one of the important pillars in economic growth in Indonesia, especially in the midst of a pandemic. Supporting the welfare of MSMEs in financing, PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) also carries out various programs, one of which is the Disbursement of Digital Partnership.

Most recently, BCA agreed to cooperate with PT Komunal Finansial Indonesia (Komunal) as a form of expansion of the national economic support program. The signing of the agreement between BCA and Communal was carried out by BCA Senior Vice President Commercial & SME Business Elvriawati Tumewah and Communal Co-founder & CEO Hendry Lieviant in Jakarta on Friday 5 November. This collaboration is also a form of concrete efforts made by BCA for the needs of financing facilities needed by MSMEs.

"Observing the condition of Indonesia's economic recovery along with digital transformation which is currently also dominated by small businesses carried out by MSMEs, BCA is again collaborating with fintech. This effort is carried out to provide encouragement and material for MSME players to jointly restore the economy. Part of the initiative This digital BCA is also increasingly expanding the reach of financing to MSME debtors, business networks, and other collaborations," said Elvriawati in a written statement, Monday, November 22.

Communal will be a bridge between BCA and MSMEs that need business capital. This collaboration will help MSMEs in developing their business with an agreed collaboration limit of IDR 15 billion. Meanwhile, this collaboration will be carried out through a financing channeling facility with a ceiling per debtor of a maximum of IDR 2 billion with a financing tenor of a maximum of 3 months.

Then, Elvriawati added that until October 2021, the total Disbursement of Digital Partnership that had been recorded by BCA reached Rp145.76 billion with various channeling. There are a number of programs that support digital partnerships such as Business Personal Loan E-commerce, Business Personal Loan Direct, and Channeling Fintech.

For information, Communal is a financial technology company that provides facilities in the form of peer-to-peer services to support creating relationships between potential MSMEs and funders to encourage Indonesia's economic growth.

The communal, which has been registered and supervised by the OJK, has been operating from February 2019 to October 2021 and has disbursed loans of more than IDR 700 billion for various loan products offered. Meanwhile, the total active creditors in the Communal currently reach 1,495 creditors, which are dominated in the East Java part.

"With the collaboration with Communal, we hope that BCA can expand its financing network and be more strategic in reaching MSME entrepreneurs to meet their business credit needs so that in the future Indonesian MSME entrepreneurs will be more advanced and grow in business," concluded Elvriawati.