The Incident Where Iptu JM Was Hit Due To The Officer's Disguise Was Known To Be A Drug Dealer

JAKARTA - Efforts to disguise the Central Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Investigation officer as a shabu buyer have turned out to be suspected by a drug dealer who owns 35 kilograms of methamphetamine. The transaction attempt to "undercover buy" undercover police on the land route, Rest Area Km 208, Palimanan Toll Road, Cirebon, West Java, ended with the collision of Iptu JM.

Head of the Narcotics Investigation Unit of the Central Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Indrawienny Panjiyoga, said the incident stemmed from the development of a case of drug abuse in the Central Jakarta area.

The police then got clues which eventually led to the shabu dealer. Police officers then disguised themselves by pretending to be buyers of methamphetamine.

"We then transacted in the Cirebon area," said Kasat when contacted by reporters, Monday, November 22.

Furthermore, the place of the transaction was agreed upon at the Rest Area Km 208 Palimanan Toll Road, Cirebon, West Java. There were two police officers assigned to disguise themselves as buyers.

"When he was about to make a transaction, TO (the target of the operation) was a bit suspicious that he finally ran away. We intercepted the member in front (Iptu JM) being hit by him," he said.

Police officers then tried to catch the drug dealer. In the end, the police managed to find the car used by the drug dealer.

Drug dealers, amounting to two people have left the car. However, evidence of 35 kg of methamphetamine was still in the car and the police immediately secured it.

"The car has been found. In total there are 35 packs of methamphetamine that we have secured, 1 kilogram per pack," said Kasat. Previously, the Central Jakarta Metro Police formed a special joint team of personnel from the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Central Jakarta Police Narcotics Investigation Unit to hunt down two drug dealers. who escaped from an ambush in the Rest Area, Cirebon Region, West Java.

"The Central Jakarta Police have formed a special team to track down drug dealers who ran over members of the Police," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol. Hengki Hariyadi to VOI, Monday, November 22.

Although the dealer managed to escape the ambush, the police chief said the drugs seized were of fantastic value. "The value of the confiscated methamphetamine was approximately Rp.