Seruni Bali: 28 Unud Students Reported To Be Victims Of Sexual Violence

DENPASAR - A total of 28 students from Udayana University (Unud) Bali are suspected of being victims of sexual violence. This is based on a report received by the Indonesian Women's Union (Seruni) Bali.

General Chairperson of Seruni Bali Ufiya Amirah explained that reports of alleged sexual violence were received until October 2021.

"As of October 2021, Seruni Bali has received 29 complaints of alleged sexual assault by Unud (Udayana University) students," said Amirah, in a written statement, Monday, November 22.

One victim is said to be not a student of Unud. But others claim to be students from a number of faculties at Unud.

The victims reported perpetrators of sexual violence, namely staff/academics, students, alumni, and some were called residents.

"Based on 15 types of sexual violence according to Komnas Perempuan, the forms of sexual violence experienced by victims include 5 cases of rape, 19 cases of sexual harassment, 3 cases of sexual intimidation, 1 case of sexual exploitation and 2 cases of Online Gender-Based Violence (KBGO)," he explained. Amirah.

From the report, 1 victim asked for legal assistance, 2 asked for psychologist counseling services and the rest only complained about what had happened.

"Sexual violence is an iceberg phenomenon whose number cannot be known with certainty, because not all cases are reported and the unavailability or limited mechanism for reporting and recording cases by the competent authorities on campus," said Amirah.

"Therefore, clarity and firmness are needed from the Unud side to handle and prevent sexual violence. This firmness and clarity can be achieved by making regulatory instruments through the Rector's Regulation which regulates the prevention and handling of sexual violence at Unud based on the mandate and mandate of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 30 2021," he said.