Up 22,000 East Java UMP 2022 To Rp1,891,567, Labor Union Will Demo

SURABAYA - The East Java Provincial Government has set the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in 2022 at Rp1,891,567 or an increase of Rp22,790 from the previous year which amounted to Rp1,868,777.

"In percentage terms, this year's increase is 1.22 percent," said the Executive Daily for the Regional Secretary of East Java Province Heru Tjahjono to reporters at the Grahadi State building in Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Sunday, November 21.

This stipulation is contained in the Decree of the Governor of East Java Number: 188/783/KPTS/013/2021 dated November 20, 2021, concerning the Minimum Wage for East Java Province in 2022.

According to Heru, the decision was taken by taking into account the sense of justice, and taking into account the economic conditions, as well as the growing employment in the local province.

"We hope that policymakers will pay close attention to and implement these provisions," said Heru.

In addition, he said, the consideration of the decision also took into account the economic conditions in East Java and the continuity of the companies.

Meanwhile, before making the determination of the 2021 East Java UMP, a number of discussions were carried out, including the plenary session of the East Java Wage Council whose members consisted of various elements, namely the government, employers or Apindo, trade unions or labor unions, experts, and academics.

In the process, there were proposals for the increase in the value of the 2021 East Java UMP, then Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa also held several meetings with trade union leaders, as well as consolidated and communicated the amount of the increase above the regulation.

Not only that, on November 16, 2021, the Indonesian Ministry of Home Affairs held a Wage Coordination Meeting for several Governors with the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, the Minister of Manpower, the Commander of the Indonesian Armed Forces, the National Police Chief, the Attorney General, the Head of BIN and the Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Acting Sekdaprov explained, based on the developing conditions in East Java and taking into account the results of the coordination meeting with the Central Government, on November 17, 2021, consultations with the Ministry of Manpower were carried out regarding the efforts that the East Java Provincial Government could take.

"The Director-General of PHI and Social Security at the Ministry of Manpower has submitted a response via letter Number 4/2442/HI.01.00/XI/2021 dated 18 November 2021 regarding the response to the 2022 UMP Stipulation, which reaffirms that the determination is requested according to the Government Regulation Number 36/2021 formula. ," he said.

Met at the same place, Chairman of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (SPSI) of East Java Ahmad Fauzi was concerned about the increase in the East Java UMP 2022 which he considered unfair.

"This is a bad precedent for workers or laborers, because the increase is only Rp22,790," he said.

As a form of protest, in the near future, his party will move together with the alliance of workers and workers to hold a demonstration at the East Java Governor's office in Surabaya.