It Is Dangerous If The Party Forces Ex-addicts To Run In Regional Elections

JAKARTA - Political observer Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) Ubedilah Badrun reminds political parties not to force regional head candidates who have been involved in drug abuse cases to come forward in regional elections.

"Yes, it is very dangerous because systemically it (drugs, ed) destroys generations. Hence, one of the important agendas for national development focuses on human resources (human resources). If the human resources are damaged by drugs, this republic will be damaged," he said. Ubedilah Badrun in Jakarta was reported by Antara, Friday, August 7.

According to him, the effects of taking drugs caused damage to his body and mind. So it is very dangerous, especially as a regional head office holder.

"It is a big risk for the region, it could make a wrong policy, it could be addictive again, and it is not effective in leading the area of people who have abused drugs," he stressed.

Political parties, he said, must consistently support the government's efforts to fight drugs, one of which is by not bringing in regional head candidates who have been involved in drug trafficking.

Likewise, he said, election organizers, especially the KPU, can make prohibition rules for drug addicts based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK).

Furthermore, Ubedilah encouraged political parties and the KPU to cooperate with the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) to verify regional head candidates who would compete in celebration and democratic parties at the provincial, district and city levels.

"The party and the KPU, I think it is necessary to collaborate with BNN to verify whether a person who wants to run is ever related to a drug case or other matters that violate the existing provisions. So, I think we need to cooperate with the police as well," said Ubedilah. .

As is known, the Constitutional Court has decided that former drug users are prohibited from becoming candidates for regional head in line with the rejection of the request for a judicial review of the rules regarding the conditions for nominating the 2020 Pilkada which are contained in Article 7 Paragraph (2) Letter i of Law Number 10 of 2016.

This article prohibits a person with a disgraceful record from running for regional head. As for the despicable acts that are meant are gambling, drunkenness, drug users / dealers, and adultery.

The Constitutional Court's decision began when former Regent Ogan Ilir Ahmad Wazir Noviadi submitted a request for a judicial review of the rules regarding the conditions for nominating the 2020 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) Article 7 Paragraph (2) Letter i of Law No. 10/2016.

The Constitutional Court stated that drug users are prohibited from running for regional head, except in three conditions.

First, narcotics users who are due to health reasons as evidenced by information from the treating doctor.

Second, former narcotics users who because of their self-awareness report themselves and have finished undergoing rehabilitation.

Third, ex-narcotics users who are proven to be victims based on a court decision are ordered to undergo rehabilitation and have been declared finished undergoing rehabilitation, as evidenced by a certificate from a state agency that has the authority to certify that a person has finished undergoing rehabilitation.