2020-2021 Season, Bundesliga Spectators Are Allowed To Enter The Stadium

JAKARTA - There is an opportunity for fans to return to watching matches at the stadium when the new Bundesliga season starts in September. Clubs in the top two divisions of the German League agree on a draft drawn up by the German League Operators (DFL).

Under the DFL's proposed plans for the new Bundesliga season starting September 18, clubs have agreed on four main points.

Only supporters of the home club will be allowed to attend. During the match, they are only allowed to sit, there are no standing stands, and alcohol consumption is prohibited in the stadium.

In addition, ticket purchases will also be personalized or recorded, so that customers can find out their track record of travel.

"The priority in Germany right now is not a full stadium, but public health," said DFL CEO Christian Seifert, as quoted by Antara, Friday, August 7.

Seifert said, even though there had been a draft, his party certainly had no right to decide how many fans were allowed to enter or when exactly the audience could return to the stadium.

The plan, he said, still had to be approved by local governments and health ministers from 16 states in Germany. They plan to hold a meeting on Monday to discuss the draft that has been prepared.

Bundesliga plans to open stadiums to fans have sparked debate among politicians and virologists in Germany. In addition, several fan groups from the club also criticized the plan.

The Bundesliga emphasized that any changes will only be temporary depending on the current situation of the pandemic.

However, currently, the German government still prohibits organizing activities that could potentially cause a big crowd until 31 October.