Unique! Traffic Violators In Bangka Belitung Sentenced To Mandatory COVID Vaccine Sanctions

BABEL - Central Bangka Resort Police, Bangka Belitung Islands Province, has issued a ticket in the form of mandatory COVID-19 vaccination for motorists who violate traffic rules.

"In raids on roads, we prefer to apply mandatory vaccine sanctions for violators who have never been vaccinated," said Head of Operations Development (KBO) of the Central Bangka Police Traffic Unit, Iptu Elman in Koba, Antara, Friday, November 19.

The ticket sanction in the form of vaccination, he said, was in order to make the COVID-19 vaccination program a success and to achieve the target of achieving 100 percent.

"If someone violates traffic rules, there are various sanctions, but we prioritize sanctions for accelerating the vaccination program," he said.

In contrast, if the violator has been vaccinated, the police will continue to apply fines according to traffic rules.

"This activity is within the framework of the 2021 Zebra Menumbing Operation which targets several road sections," he said.

Although these operations are more persuasive in nature, his party still imposes fines if serious violations such as threatening the safety of themselves and others.

"We continue to urge road users to comply with health protocols by requiring them to wear masks when driving," he said.