Up 1.44 Percent, West Kalimantan's UMP In 2022 Is IDR 2,434,328.19

KALBAR - Head of the Manpower and Transmigration Office of West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Manto said Governor Sutarmidji had set the Provincial Minimum Wage (UMP) in 2022 at Rp. 2,434,328.19. This determination is through the Decree of the Governor of West Kalimantan number 1407/DISNAKERTRANS/2021.

"On the recommendation of the Wage Board of West Kalimantan, the Governor has set the West Kalimantan UMP for 2022 of Rp. 2,434,328.19," explained Manto in Pontianak as reported by Antara, Friday, November 19.

In the West Kalimantan Governor's Decree concerning the 2022 UMP, it is stated that the wage policy is part of the national strategic program, therefore the local government in implementing the wage policy must be guided by the policies of the Central Government.

"As regulated in PP Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages which is a derivative rule of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation, the Governor only sets the UMP/UMK and may no longer set the Sectoral Minimum Wage and in determining the amount of the West Kalimantan UMP in 2022 it is calculated by referring to the formulation of the minimum wage adjustment formula," he said.

Then, data related to economic conditions and employment no longer refer to national data, but refers to data from each province as submitted by BPS to the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower such as data on economic growth, inflation, the average household consumption rate and the number of household members. working stairs.

"Based on the Letter of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number BM/383/HI.01.00/IX/2021 dated November 9, 2021, regarding the submission of economic and employment data in determining the minimum wage in 2022, West Kalimantan Province was obtained based on data on economic growth of 3.07 percent (GDP TW IV + Quarter I, II and III 2021), inflation of 2.01 percent (September 2020 to September 2021), the average consumption rate per capita is 3.83 and the average number of working household members is 1.42," said Manto.

Thus, the increase in West Kalimantan's UMP in 2022 by 1.44 percent is still above the national average or an increase in the Provincial Minimum Wage in 2022 of 1.09 percent as stated by the National Wage Council.

"The 2022 UMP that has been set by the Governor will take effect on January 1, 2022. Regarding the UMK in 2022, the Governor will set it no later than November 30, 2021," he said.