11 Kg Of Crystal Methamphetamine And 5,047 Pills Of Ecstasy Destroyed By West Kalimantan Police

PONTIANAK - The Directorate of Drug Investigation of the West Kalimantan Police destroyed 11 kilograms of methamphetamine and 5,047 pills of ecstasy by adding or dissolving them in pesticides or grass poison.

"The narcotics evidence that was destroyed was the result of the collaboration between the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the West Kalimantan Police and the Pamtas Task Force Battalion 643/Wns Pavilion and West Kalimantan Customs and Excise in three different places," said Director of Drug Investigation at the West Kalimantan Police, Kombes Yohanes Hernowo in Pontianak, quoted by Antara, Friday. , November 19.

He explained that the narcotics evidence that was destroyed were 11 kilograms of methamphetamine and 5,047 ecstasy pills.

"For the suspects who were detained by the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the West Kalimantan Police related to narcotics and TPPU (Money Laundering) cases as many as four people and the total assets seized were Rp. 2.8 billion," he said.

Then, for the TKP (the crime scene) the arrest was on the edge of Jalan Merdeka in front of the Batu Factory, Kaliau Village, Sajingan Besar District, Sambas Regency. For other crime scenes at the red light intersection Jalan Gusti Situt Mahmud, North Pontianak District and in the yard of the Medical Student Dormitory of Tanjungpura University Pontianak. if eradicating drugs is not followed by money laundering. Those in prison still have money to trade again.

He added that the Directorate of Drug Investigation at the West Kalimantan Police is committed from the Criminal Investigation Department to the regions to follow up on drug cases with the money laundering offenses.

"Currently there are four LPs (police reports), one case is in stage two, two cases are in stage one, and one case is still in process," he said.