Jakarta Prosecutor's Office Detains Suspect In Tax Case Of IDR 10.2 Billion Hadi Ismanto

JAKARTA - Investigators from the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office have detained the suspect Hadi Ismanto or HI in connection with an alleged tax crime that has harmed state finances in the amount of Rp. 10.2 billion.

Head of the Legal Information Section of the DKI Jakarta Prosecutor's Office, Ashari Syam, said the detention was carried out after investigators at the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) Selatan I submitted the case file along with the suspect and evidence to the public prosecutor of the South Jakarta District Attorney on Thursday, November 18 yesterday.

"On the handing over of the suspect's responsibilities, the public prosecutor then detained the suspect Hadi Ismanto for 20 days for prosecution, starting on November 18, 2021," he said.

Ashari said that the suspect in IR is strongly suspected of having committed a crime in the field of taxation by issuing and/or using tax invoices, proof of tax collection, evidence of tax deductions and/or proof of tax payments that are not based on actual transactions.

These actions were carried out successively and lasted during 2011-2012 through PT Bahtera Utama Lestari with Taxpayer Identification Number 03.133.581.3-063.000.

Because of that case, the suspect was charged with Article 39A letter a and/or Article 39 paragraph (1) letter d in conjunction with Article 43 paragraph (1) of Law Number 28 of 2007 concerning the Third Amendment to Law Number 6 of 1983 concerning General Provisions and Tax Procedures as amended several times, most recently by Law Number 16 of 2009 in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.