Welcome Home Even Though Almost Accident, Take A Peek At The Portrait Of Tya Ariesya And Family Vacation In Yogyakarta
JAKARTA – This morning through his social media account, Tya Arestya told about the obstacles he and his family experienced when traveling back to Jakarta after a vacation in Yogyakarta. On Instagram with a verified account name, @tya_ariestya, Tya told about the obstacles he had experienced when traveling home.
The car she was driving with her two children and husband, was stuck in the right rear tire. Fortunately the speed of the car was not speeding and there were no other vehicles on the sides of the car. The iron stuck in the tires tore and hit the car body.
Tya wrote a message to netizens to be careful when traveling long distances. He wrote, "Be careful for other friends who may also want to travel long distances, check the spare tire, don't forget not to speed, we will take 10 hours to go home from Jogja to Jakarta for a total of 3 stops and change driving."
The message is, take and check the spare tire and don't have to speed up while driving. At this time, Tya Arestya and his family arrived home safely.
While in Yogyakarta, he, his two sons, and his husband Irfan Ratinggang, visited several tourist attractions. Here are the portraits that Tya shared on his social media accounts.
The first portrait while on vacation in Yogyakarta, Tya and her husband stopped at Gamplong Studio Alam, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Because the rain is often unpredictable lately, Tya poses with an umbrella.
In the next portrait, Tya thinks that her husband likes to be 'disgusted' because he often acts absurd. Including the behavior caught in the portrait below.
Together with their sons, Tya and Irfan played in the water rides at the hotel where they were staying. He wrote hopefully, "Please pray that it won't rain today, Jogja is still raining because it's raining."
The legendary area also had a chance to get close to a vacation. The place is located on the southern coast of Yogyakarta, precisely at Gumuk Pasir Parangkusumo.
Tya wrote about his holiday experience in the sand dune. He wrote, “Going to the beach while on a Jeep Tour in Jogja, this is the first time I've tried it. Starting from the sand dune, immediately taken by Jeep, the track is quite long, we look for the quietest place. Thank God the children can feel the toys & the waves."
Tya added that Yogyakarta has a complete tour package. Cheap food, there is sea, many rice fields. He wrote again, "Where are the residents of Jogja, sharing places that are not too crowded, cheap but fun for a trip with children like this."