Barbed Wire Fence Blocks School Children, Pandeglang Police Take Action

PANDEGLANG, - The Child Protection Agency (LPA) together with Inafis Polres Pandeglang conducted a crime scene or TKP fencing with barbed wire in Cipanon Village RT002/005, Tanjungjaya Village, Panimbang District, Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Pandeglang Police AKP Fajar Maulidi accompanied by Pandeglang LPA Gobang Pamungkas said that Inafis' activity was to dismantle the barbed wire fence because of reports and also videos of children going to school blocked by barbed wire fences.

"This afternoon's activity is due to reports that came in accompanied by videos of state elementary school (SDN) children going to school blocked by barbed wire fences. Why do we carry out demolition accompanied by LPA, because there is a deprivation of children's rights to school, "explained AKP Fajar Maulidi via short message received by VOI, Friday 19 November.

AKP Fajar Maulidi also said that the temporary demolition was only about 15 to 20 meters which was managed by Sofyan's family.

"All the signposts have been confiscated, there are two owners who admit it and we hope that both owners will take their respective paths to determine who this land belongs to," explained Kasat.

Furthermore, Fajar also explained that this case is temporarily included in Article 333 of the Criminal Code concerning the deprivation of a person's right to freedom.

"We have temporarily included this case in Article 333 against those who fence off barbed wire and prevent children from going to school, and those who are being investigated are still witnesses," he said.