Rp900 Million In Grant Funds To A Foundation Fostered By The Deputy Chairman Of The DKI DPRD, Zita Anjani, Is Worried About Having A Conflict Of Interest

JAKARTA - A researcher at the Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) Lucius Karus highlighted the submission of a social grant fund budget to the Bunda Pintar Indonesia (BPI) foundation of Rp900 million in the 2022 DKI APBD Draft.

It is known that the BPI Foundation was fostered by the Deputy Chairman of the DKI DPRD from the PAN faction, Zita Anjani. Lucius said the distribution of grant funds from the DKI Provincial Government to agencies and institutions needed to be explored.

Because, if there is involvement of board members in the management of the institution that receives the grant funds, there could be a potential conflict of interest that occurs.

"I think this needs to be investigated. The potential conflict of interest behind the proposed grant in the RAPBD will be given to the associations fostered by Zita, who is a deputy chairman of the DPRD himself," said Lucius when contacted, Friday, November 19.

In essence, the provision of grant funds to an agency or institution aims to support the implementation of regional government affairs.

However, if the nominal or allocation of grant funds is not well targeted, this can become a problem. Lucius is concerned about the potential for abuse of power in the distribution of grant funds from the APBD.

"The potential for abuse of power as well as regional finances is also very large if the determination of the recipient of the grant is an association that is directly related to the Deputy Chair of the DPRD," he said.

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For information, the DKI Social Service has proposed a grant budget to a number of agencies and institutions for next year. In the spotlight, there is one institution, the Indonesian Smart Mother Foundation (BPI) which received grants of up to Rp900 million.

The nominal award for this grant is the second highest after the DKI Provincial Youth Organization grant of Rp. 1 billion.

Meanwhile, when compared to a number of other non-profit foundations included in the budget of the Social Service, on average they only receive grants of between Rp. 25 million to Rp. 50 million.