Land Mafia Case Nirina Zubir Rp17 Billion, Police Investigate Involvement Of BPN Personnel

JAKARTA - The police continue to investigate the alleged involvement of other parties in the land mafia case with the victim Nirina Zubir. Including the alleged involvement of elements of the National Land Agency (BPN).

"Who are the internal parties (who are suspected of being involved) who are the internal parties? Like BPN, we are still investigating that," said Head of the Harda Sub-Directorate of the Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Petrus Silalahi to VOI, Friday, November 19.

The investigation was carried out because in a land criminal case, he said, it was impossible for the perpetrator to move alone. There are several groups that work together so that the action can be carried out.

Among other things is a public official. Well, in this case, the police have named three suspects who are notaries.

Then the party that finances. The police are still looking for the financier in this case. Is the suspect funding himself or is there another party. Because, in action, it is undeniable that it requires a large amount of funds.

"Who is funding, who is the financier. Is Riri and her husband alone or are there other parties who are buyers above Riri, or only Riri. We are still investigating this," said Petrus. Nirina Zubir became a victim of the land mafia. There are 6 land certificates that suddenly change ownership status.

In that case, Nirina is said to have suffered a loss of Rp. 17 billion. The police have also named five suspects, one of whom is named Riri.

One of the perpetrators is Riri, who is none other than the former household assistant of Nirina Zubir's late mother.

The suspects were charged with Article 378 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 372 of the Criminal Code and/or Article 263 of the Criminal Code. They face up to five years in prison.