Parents Moved To Tears Bobby Nasution Gives Unpri Campus Scholarships Until Graduation

MEDAN - Accompanied by their parents, as many as 300 participants who passed the selection received scholarships directly from Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution at the Main Campus of the University of Indonesia (Unpri).

A personal scholarship from Bobby Nasution was given to help students who come from underprivileged residents, including orphans because their parents died due to COVID-19, to continue their education to college until they graduate.

One of the mothers who accompanied their children to receive a scholarship from Bobby Nasution was so moved that he could not hold back his tears.

According to him, there has never been a mayor who has given scholarships like Bobby Nasution did. He considered that the scholarship assistance provided was extraordinary because his son was able to continue his studies.

"I and all the parents who are present here thank you profusely for the scholarship assistance given by the Mayor. Personally, I am very happy and sad, because I don't have a husband anymore so I can only send my children to high school. Apparently, God moved the mayor by giving scholarships so that my son and other children who are here can study," he said, quoted from a written statement by Public Relations of the Medan City Government, Thursday, November 18.

"Wherever the mayor steps in carrying out his duties, may God always ease his steps and always protect him," the mother hoped.

Prior to the awarding of the scholarships, Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution explained that the scholarships provided were personal assistance as an effort to help underprivileged children to continue their studies in order to realize their dreams and was one of his campaign promises.

Therefore, before entering the room, Bobby admitted to releasing all his pins and his position as mayor of Medan.

"What I use is only a nameplate, because this event is a personal activity," said Bobby Nasution.

Bobby Nasution explained that the scholarship provided was free to attend lectures until graduation. Therefore, while attending lectures, 300 scholarship recipients must continue to communicate and convey what are the obstacles or shortcomings experienced.

"We will always pay attention to it," said President Jokowi's son-in-law.

Bobby Nasution reminded all scholarship recipients to always be devoted to their parents in order to achieve success in life.

"What parents commanded while for goodness, must be followed. If we love our parents, God willing, everyone will love us and whatever our wishes will be granted by Allah SWT. Make our parents our encouragement," he ordered.

Meanwhile, Unpri Chancellor Dr Chrismis Novalinda Ginting MKes expressed his gratitude and appreciation to Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution for entrusting Unpri to educate the 300 scholarship recipients.

"Unpri is ready to educate younger siblings to become students with integrity and noble character," said Novalinda.