Scrap Metal Seeker In Jayapura Papua Finds 85 Ammunition

JAYAPURA - A total of 85 rounds of ammunition found at the BTN Skyline Kotaraja garbage dump, Jayapura, Papua, have been handed over to the police.

Abepura Police Chief AKP Lintong Simanjuntak, explained that the discovery of dozens of ammunition was initially reported by Ilham Jafar to the Tanah Hitam Patmor IV Post by handing over 85 rounds of ammunition that he found in the BTN Skyline Residence Kotaraja trash can, reported by Antara, Wednesday, November 17.

Ilham Jafar, who works as a scrap metal and pet food seeker, admitted that he found ammunition in a backpack that was no longer suitable.

"When he took the backpack, he opened it and found an item in the form of plastic, then opened it which turned out to contain dozens of rounds of ammunition. After that, the bag was thrown in the trash and the ammunition was taken," said the Sector Police Chief. Tanah Hitam and accompanied by members to the Abepura Police Headquarters for follow-up.

The 85 items of various types, including 50 HS bullets, 31 FN bullets, 1 Sabhara V2 bullet and 3 revolver bullets, and currently the evidence is secured at the Abepura Police Headquarters.

"We appreciate handing over the ammunition found by residents to the police because it would be dangerous if misused," added AKP Lintong.