BSI Offers Ease Of Access For Faster Hajj Pilgrims Registration Via BSI Mobile

JAKARTA - PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk (BSI) provides faster access for people who want to register as prospective pilgrims by launching an online payment feature for Hajj registration via BSI Mobile.

BSI Sales and Distribution Director Anton Sukarna said with this feature, prospective pilgrims who already have a Hajj Savings account at BSI can deposit the initial deposit payment for Hajj registration online of IDR 25 million and do not need to come to the BSI branch office. The money is a condition for obtaining the Hajj portion number determined by the Ministry of Religion.

Anton said digital capability is one of BSI's main focuses in attracting a dynamic, accurate and fast-paced market. The potential for traveling to the holy land for Hajj and Umrah is one of the segments targeted by BSI in the context of digital capitalization.

"The development of the initial deposit payment feature for Hajj registration via the BSI Mobile application is a form of seriousness in developing digital savvy as a lifestyle for millennials and all customers. So that customers can transact at BSI quickly, safely, comfortably, and according to sharia principles," he said in a statement. written, Thursday, November 18.

Furthermore, Anton said that the new service is also in the context of building a halal ecosystem and encouraging Muslim communities to prepare funds for the pilgrimage from an early age. Anton is also optimistic that Hajj savings can be a uniqueness and selling point as well as the core of BSI. Therefore, BSI also continues to provide education to the millennial generation and generations Y and Z to prepare for the pilgrimage optimally and well planned.

In addition to this new feature, said Anton, BSI has also provided services for opening Indonesian Hajj Savings online via BSI Mobile. Customers are also given a choice of currency, both rupiah and US dollars. Customers also get a notification when their Hajj savings have reached IDR 25 million.

"The public's interest in the importance of Hajj from an early age is evident from the performance of BSI Hajj Savings as of September 2021, the number of Hajj savers at BSI is more than 4.3 million customers spread throughout Indonesia. This figure will continue to grow along with the innovation of new features for early deposit payments for online Hajj registrations. targeted at the millennial generation," he said.

With this real-time payment system, said Anton, customers will also automatically receive proof of payment containing a validation number through BSI Mobile. Furthermore, customers can confirm payment to obtain a portion number through the Hajj Pintar application belonging to the Ministry of Religion or visit the local Ministry of Religion Office according to the domicile of the ID card.

The launch event for the Hajj registration feature at BSI Mobile was carried out in a hybrid manner. Apart from Anton, also present at the event were the Director General of Hajj and Umrah Services at the Ministry of Religion Hilman Latief, and the Head of Funds Collection & Placement, Direct Investment & Other Domestic Investment of BPKH, Iskandar Zulkarnain.

On the other hand, digital transactions on BSI Mobile continue to show growth. Cumulative transactions through BSI Mobile as of September 2021 reached 72.4 million transactions, growing rapidly around 132.8 percent on an annual basis. With this online hajj registration service, the company targets BSI Mobile transactions to be accelerated and grow higher.

Ministry of Religion appreciates BSI's steps

The Director General of Hajj and Umrah Services at the Ministry of Religion, Hilman Latief, welcomed the breakthrough. He said that the Ministry of Religion was ready to serve all prospective pilgrims for Hajj and Umrah, including in providing easy access and security for prospective pilgrims. He also appreciated the steps taken by BSI to facilitate the registration of Hajj pilgrims.

"BSI as one of the partners of the Ministry of Religion in accepting Hajj deposits is expected to be a driving force for accelerating online Hajj registration through the BSI mobile banking feature," said Hilman.