West Papua Police Chief Asks Bhayangkari To Be Wise In Social Media, Wrong 'Thumbs Up' Damage Police Image

PAPUA - West Papua Regional Police Chief Inspector General Tornagogo Sihombing hopes that the women from the area's bhayangkari are wise in using social media so as not to tarnish the image of the Police.

"West Papua has extraordinary local wisdom and this must be maintained, it must not be damaged by the development of social media, especially information that is not of good quality and even false information," said the Kapolda in Sorong, Antara, Thursday, November 18.

He said that information technology, including broadcasting, must be accompanied by education and the quality of human resources. Therefore, he said, the smart media movement needs to be carried out continuously so as to provide education to the public.

"We together with the National Broadcasting Commission have carried out smart media literacy activities for bhayangkari mothers," he said.

According to him, this activity is very useful and important because it can provide understanding to educate smart media children.

Media literacy is very useful so that later Bhayangkari mothers can understand more, so they are able to select the right and useful content on social media and television.

He added that the development of information and communication technology has a positive impact because information is currently easy to obtain and quickly known by the public, both through broadcasting and social media.

However, the information media can become negative due to the emergence of hoax news and information that is not educational, to the misuse of inappropriate information.

He hopes that this literacy can educate the public in media. In the future, people can provide references only on good shows or broadcasts.