Cafes In Padang Sealed By Viral Tails Crowd Live Music 'You're Not Alone'

PADANG - The Padang City Government through the Satpol PP immediately took firm action against cafes that held live music. This video clip of a crowd of teenagers dancing excitedly singing the song "You're Not Alone" Type-X has gone viral on TikTok.

Quoted from a Public Relations statement from the Padang City Government, the sealing of the Maybe Tomorrow Coffee cafe on Jalan Diponegoro, West Padang, West Sumatra was carried out on Wednesday, November 17. This cafe is called illegal alias unlicensed.

"Today we have temporarily suspended or sealed the cafe. This is because this cafe has clearly committed several violations, including violating the COVID-19 health protocol (prokes) rules according to Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 1 of 2021 concerning Adaptation of New Habits (AKB) Article 38 Paragraph 1. Besides that, it also violates Padang City Regulation No. 11 of 2005 concerning Public Order and Public Peace," said Padang City Police Chief through the Head of P3D Sat Pol PP Padang City Bambang Suprianto during the sealing.

During the sealing of the cafe, the Dandim 0312/Padang Colonel Inf. M. Ghoffar Ngismangil was present with the Danramil 01/Padang Barat, then the Head of the West Padang Police and a number of representatives of the relevant OPD in the Padang Government.

Meanwhile, Padang Mayor Hendri Septa expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the joint officers who took part in taking firm action against the Maybe Esok Coffee cafe.

"On behalf of the Padang City Government, we would like to express our gratitude and highest appreciation to all parties, in particular Mr. Kapolresta Padang and Mr. Dandim 0312/Padang and their ranks who have supported the Padang City Police Satpol PP in taking firm action against cafes that violate these rules," said Hendri .

"Moreover, apart from violating the COVID-19 process, this cafe is also not licensed and should be dealt with firmly. We hope that similar things do not happen again anywhere in this city, especially since Padang City is still in PPKM Level II," he continued.