'Long Live The President Of Indonesia', Workers Shouted In Front Of The City Hall To Welcome Anies Baswedan's Arrival

JAKARTA - A different atmosphere can be seen in the demonstration of workers demanding an increase in the DKI Jakarta provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2022 in front of the DKI Jakarta City Hall today.

Unlike previous demonstrations demanding a wage increase, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan left his office to meet the workers.

Wearing a long-sleeved green batik shirt, Anies went to a labor group from the Federation of Metal-Electronic Machine-Workers Union of All Indonesia (FSP LEM SPSI).

Since this morning, the labor unions have gathered in front of the DKI City Hall, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan to demand a decent provincial minimum wage (UMP) in 2022.

Guarded by the police, Anies had a dialogue with the workers. After that, he delivered a speech in the midst of mass demonstrations. Anies said he was grateful to the workers who had voiced their aspirations.

"Thank you to those who chose to voice the aspirations of the workers. They are people who think about the welfare of all," said Anies, Thursday, November 18.

Anies has not yet confirmed the amount of the minimum wage increase he will set in Jakarta. However, he promised to help reduce the cost of living for the workers.

"We in Jakarta will try to help in the financing aspect, so that the cost of living in Jakarta can be lower. So that all friends can accommodate and hopefully welfare can increase," said Anies.

Before ending the meeting with the workers, Anies invited the masses to sing the song Padamu Negeri. Unexpectedly, a number of workers called Anies the president.

"Long live the President of Indonesia!" cried the workers.

For information, the labor action carried out today demands the rejection of the increase in the UMP which is regulated by the Ministry of Manpower by an average of 1.09 percent.

Meanwhile, the DKI Provincial Government has not issued a nominal decision to increase the UMP in 2022. It is planned that the announcement of the increase in the DKI UMP will be made on Friday, November 19 tomorrow.