14 People Suspected Of Cheating, Kemenkumham Postpones Announcement Of SKD CPNS

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) postponed the announcement of the results of the basic competency selection (SKD) for prospective civil servants (CPNS) at the agency, due to findings of alleged fraud committed by participants.

"Originally, the announcement of the results of the SKD test was issued on November 13 and 14, 2021. But BKN smelled indications of fraud by several participants, so BKN carried out an investigation," said Head of Public Relations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Tubagus Erif Faturahman in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Thursday, November 18.

Based on the evidence collected, BKN then withdrew and revised the announcement which was originally to be announced on November 13 and 14, 2021.

"As many as 14 people who are proven to have cheated will be disqualified," he said. Regarding this incident, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights fully supports the actions and policies that will be carried out by BKN because the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is committed to conducting a fair and open selection and recruitment process.

"The goal is that the CPNS who pass the final selection are truly qualified, honest, and moral cadres," he said.

The postponement of the SKD test results is contained in the announcement issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through Letter Number: SEK.2.KP.02.01-75. In essence, the letter contains the notification of the disqualification of the 2021 CPNS SKD participants.

A total of 14 participants who were declared disqualified need to update the attachment to the announcement of the results of the SKD CPNS Kemenkumham and wait for the Acting Head of the State Civil Service Agency to sign.

The letter was signed on behalf of the Secretary General of the Head of the Civil Service Bureau, Sutrisno, on November 16, 2021.