DKPP Fires Intan Jaya Papua Bawaslu Members Who Still Have Civil Servant Status

JAKARTA - The Election Organizers Honorary Council (DKPP) has imposed a permanent dismissal on a member of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Intan Jaya Regency, Yohakim Migau because it is proven that he is still active as a civil servant (PNS).

The dismissal is a decision of the ethics trial for case number 164-PKE-DKPP/IX/2021.

"Imposing a permanent suspension of Teradu II Yohakim Migau as a member of the Intan Jaya Regency Bawaslu since this decision was read out," said Assembly Chair Muhammad when reading the verdict quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 17.

In the ongoing trial, the panel of ethical judges read out their verdicts on six cases of alleged violations of the electoral code of ethics (KEPP).

For the case in Intan Jaya Regency, Papua, Yohakim Migau was proven to still be an active civil servant. He served as a staff in the Tomosiga District.

During the trial, the Papua Regional Development Bank's current account became one of the evidences showing Yohakim was still an active civil servant, because he had received a salary from the state since 2016 until now.

Yohakim, according to the panel of judges in their consideration, was proven to have deliberately failed to take care of requests for leave outside of dependents. As a result, he still receives a salary as a civil servant, even though he has been appointed a member of the Intan Jaya Regency Bawaslu.

"The attitude and actions of Teradu II are not justified according to law and ethics," said Muhammad.

Yohakim violated Article 15 letters a and d of DKPP Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Election Organizers.

Not only Yohakim, DKPP also imposed a temporary suspension on Intan Jaya Regency Bawaslu Member Nemi Kobogau as Defendant I.

The sanction is valid until he or she receives a Decree on Temporary Dismissal and Leave Out of State Dependents from the Personnel Development Officer at his place of duty.

"Imposing a temporary dismissal sanction to Teradu I Nemi Kobogau as a member of the Intan Jaya Regency Bawaslu until the submission of a Decision on Temporary Dismissal and Leave of Non-State Leave from the Civil Service Guidance Officer no later than 60 days after this decision was read out," said Muhammad.

DKPP examines the ethics case against alleged violations of the code of ethics for organizing elections after reports from Yeffri Miagoni. The panel of judges has held two ethical hearings before reading the verdict, namely on October 21, 2021 and November 4, 2021.