Police Investigate Cases Of Death Of 2 Makassar Residents ABK Coal Ship In West Aceh

MEULABOH - Investigators from the Air Air Police Unit (Polairud) of the West Aceh Police are now continuing to investigate the deaths of two crew members (ABK), transporting coal materials in the waters of Meulaboh.

"We have examined a number of witnesses for questioning regarding this case," said Head of Airud Polres, West Aceh Police, Iptu Tony Natalianto Samosir, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, November 17.

There were also two workers who were declared dead, respectively Darwis Sapan (46 years) and Darwin (22 years), residents of Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

Iptu Tony Natalianto Samosir explained that based on the results of an interim examination conducted by officers, the cause of death of the two crew members of the coal barge was not due to inhalation of toxic gas.

"Because when we checked the scene on the ship, we didn't find any gas or anything like that," said Iptu Tony.

However, the police suspect that the death of the two crew members was due to suspected shortness of breath due to running out of oxygen, when the two victims were in the hull of a barge carrying coal materials.

However, the Iptu TN Samosir emphasized that his party is still trying to uncover the cause of the incident, so that later legal steps can be taken.

"So far, we are still focused on the investigation, still examining a number of witnesses, especially eyewitnesses who were at the scene and saw the incident firsthand," he said.